Soalan Pertama

“Pada zaman bilakah Tuhan kamu dilahirkan?”

Al-Imam Abu Hanifah tersenyum lalu menjawab :

“Allah taala tidaklah sesuatu yang dilahirkan. Jika Dia dilahirkan sudah tentu Dia punya bapa, Allah juga tidak melahirkan. Jika Dia melahirkan maka sudah tentu Dia punya anak”

Soalan Kedua

“ Kalau begitu, bilakah pula Tuhan kamu wujud?”

Al-Imam Abu Hanifah seraya menjawab :

“ Allah taala itu wujud sebelum adanya zaman, Sedangkan zaman itu sendiri adalah ciptaanNya , mana mungkin pencipta wujud selepas makhluk ciptaanNya”

Soalan Ketiga

“ Cuba kamu berikan kepada kami sedikit gambaran tentang kewujudan Tuhan kamu yang tiada permulaan ini. Bagaimana mungkin sesuatu itu ada tanpa ada permulaannya?"

Al-Imam Abu Hanifah menjawab :

“ Kamu pandai mengira?”

Kelompok Atheis itu menjawab :

“ Tentu sekali kami pandai mengira”

Al-Imam Abu Hanifah meneruskan ucapannya:

“Bolehkah kamu beritahu aku apakah nombor sebelum nombor 4?”

Mereka menjawab : “ Nombor 3”

Al-Imam Hanifah : “ Nombor sebelum 3?”

Mereka menjawab : “Nombor 2”

Al-Imam Abu Hanifah : “Nombor sebelum 2?”

Mereka menjawab : “Nombor 1”

Al-Imam Abu Hanifah : “ Nombor sebelum 1?”

Mereka menjawab : “Tiada”

Al-Imam Abu Hanifah tersenyum lalu memberikan penerangan :

“Nah, kamu sendiri mengakui bahawa nombor 1 sendiri sebelumnya tiada mulanya. Nombor yang merupakan ciptaan Allah ini sendiri kamu akui bahawa tiada permulaan baginya. Apatah lagi pencipta kepada Nombor itu sendiri?”

Terpinga-pinga kelompok Atheis tersebut dengan jawapan yang padat dan bernas daripada al-Imam Hanifah. Ternyata mereka silap perkiraan bilamana berhadapan dengan anak muda ini. Pada mulanya mereka merasakan bahawa anak muda ini mudah dikalahkan, namun telahan mereka ternyata menyeleweng. Mereka perlu lebih berhati-hati.

Persoalan diteruskan.

Soalan Keempat

“Tahniah anak muda di atas jawapanmu sebentar tadi. Jangan sangka kamu berada di dalam keadaan yang selesa. Baik, tolong kamu terangkan kepada kami, pada bahagian manakah Tuhan kamu mengadap?”

Al-Imam Abu Hanifah : “ Jika aku bawa sebuah pelita yang dicucuh dengan api ke sebuah tempat yang gelap, pada arah manakah cahaya pada api tersebut mengadap?”

Mereka menjawab : “ Cahaya itu tentulah akan menerangi keseluruhan arah”

Al-Imam Abu Hanifah menjawab : “ Jika cahaya yang diciptakannya itu pun kamu semua tidak mampu menerangkan pada arah manakah ia mengadap, inikan pula Sang Pemilik cahaya langit dan bumi ini sendiri?”

Kesemua hadirin yang mendengar jawapan daripada al-Imam Abu Hanifah bersorak kegembiraan . Kagum mereka dengan kepetahan anak muda itu.

Soalan Kelima

“Bolehkah kamu terangkan kepada kami, bagaimana zat Tuhan kamu? Adakah ianya keras seperti besi? Atau jenis yang mengalir lembut seperti air? Atau ianya jenis seperti debu dan asap?"

Al-Imam sekali lagi tersenyum. Beliau menarik nafas panjang lalu menghelanya perlahan-lahan. Lucu sekali mendengar persoalan kelompok Atheis ini. Orang ramai tertunggu-tunggu penuh debaran apakah jawapan yang akan diberikan oleh Sang Anak Muda.

Al-Imam Abu Hanifah menjawab : “Kamu semua tentu pernah duduk disebelah orang yang sakit hampir mati bukan?”

Mereka menjawab : “ Tentu sekali”

Al-Imam meneruskan : “ Bilamana orang sakit tadi mati. Bolehkah kamu bercakap dengannya?”

Mereka menjawab : “ Bagaimana mungkin kami bercakap dengan seseorang yang telah mati?”

Al-Imam meneruskan : “ Sebelum dia mati kamu boleh bercakap-cakap dengannya , namun selepas dia mati, terus jasadnya tidak bergerak dan tidak boleh bercakap lagi. Apa yang terjadi sebenarnya?”

Mereka tertawa lalu memberikan jawapan: “ Adakah soalan seperti ini kamu tanyakan kepada kami wahai anak muda? Tentu sekali seseorang yang mati itu tidak boleh bercakap dan bergerak . Ini kerana ruhnya telah terpisah daripada jasadnya.”

Al-Imam Abu Hanifah tersenyum mendengar jawapan mereka lalu berkata: “Baik, kamu mengatakan bahawa ruhnya telah terpisah daripada jasadnya bukan? Bolehkah kamu sifatkan kepada aku sekarang, bagaimanakah bentuk ruh tersebut. Adakah ianya keras seperti besi, atau ianya mengalir lembut seperti air atau ianya seperti asap dan debu yang berterbangan?”

Tertunduk kesemua Atheis tersebut bilamana mendengar persoalan al-Imam Abu Hanifah tersebut. Ternyata olokan mereka sebentar tadi kembali tertimpa ke atas mereka.

Mereka menjawab dengan keadaan penuh malu : “ Maaf, tentu sekali kami tidak dapat mengetahui bagaimana bentuknya”

Al-Imam Abu Hanifah lalu meneruskan bicaranya: “ Jika makhluknya seperti ruh itu pun kamu tidak mampu untuk menerangkannya kepada aku. Bagaimana mungkin kamu ingin menyuruh aku menerangkan bagaimana bentuk Tuhan Pemilik Ruh serta sekalian alam ini?”

Soalan Keenam

“ Dimanakah Tuhan kamu duduk sekarang?”

Al-Imam Abu Hanifah kembali bertanyakan soalan kepada mereka : “ Jika kamu membancuh susu, tentu sekali kamu mengetahui bahawa di dalam susu tersebut ada terdapat lemak bukan? Bolehkah kamu terangkan kepada saya, dimanakah tempatnya lemak tersebut berada?"

Mereka menjawab : “ Kami tidak dapat menerangkan kepadamu dengan tepat kedudukan lemak di dalam susu tersebut. Ini kerana lemak itu mengambil keseluruhan bahagian susu tersebut.”

Al-Imam Abu Hanifah seraya berkata : “ Kamu sendiri lemah di dalam memberikan jawapan terhadap persoalan aku sebentar tadi. Jika lemak di dalam susu pun tiada tempat yang khusus baginya , masakan pula kamu ingin mengatakan bahawa Tuhan Pemilik Arasy itu ada tempat duduk khusus bagiNya? Sungguh aku pelik dengan persoalan-persoalan kamu ini”

Soalan Ketujuh

“ Kami pelik bagaimana jika masuk ke dalam syurga ada permulaannya ( iaitu selepas dihisab oleh Allah taala di padang Mahsyar) namun bilamana sudah berada di dalamnya maka tiada lagi pengakhirannya ( maksudnya tiada kesudahannya dan akan selama-lamanya di dalam syurga)??”

Al-Imam Abu Hanifah tersenyum lagi lalu menjawab : “ Mengapa kamu pelik dengan perkara tersebut. Cuba kamu lihat pada nombor . Ianya bermula dengan nombor satu bukan? Namun bolehkah kamu terangkan kepada aku apakah nombor yang terakhir di dalam senarai nombor?”

Terkelu kelompok Atheis ini untuk memberikan jawapan. Tentu sekali nombor tiada kesudahannya.

Al-Imam tersenyum melihat kelompok Atheis ini terkebil-kebil tidak mampu memberikan jawapan. Kemudian Beliau menyambung bicaranya : “ Nah , kamu sendiri tidak mampu untuk menerangkan kepadaku apakah nombor terakhir bukan? Jawapannya sudah tersedia di hadapan mata kepala kamu”

Soalan Kelapan

“ Kami ingin bertanya lagi, bagaimana mungkin seseorang di dalam syurga menurut Nabi kamu tidak akan kencing dan berak. Sedangkan mereka juga makan dan minum? Ini adalah perkara yang tidak masuk akal”

Al-Imam Abu Hanifah tenang membetulkan kedudukannya. Lalu beliau menjawab : “ Aku dan kamu sebelumnya pernah berada di dalam perut ibu sebelum dilahirkan bukan? Sembilan bulan di dalam perut ibu, kita juga makan daripada hasil darah ibu kita. Persoalanku, adakah kamu buang air kecil dan besar di dalam perut ibumu? Sedangkan kamu juga makan di dalamnya?”

Sekali lagi kelompok ini terdiam membisu seribu bahasa. Padat sekali jawapan anak muda ini. Akhirnya mereka mengakui bahawa tiada lagi persoalan yang ingin ditanyakan malah kesemuanya telah dipatahkan oleh al-Imam Abu Hanifah dengan penuh berhikmah.

Baghdad kembali berseri selepas peristiwa tersebut. Anak muda itu semakin dikenali malah terus menerus namanya disebut orang sehinggalah ke hari ini. Walau sudah hampir ribuan tahun beliau meninggalkan kita. Namun namanya disebut orang seolah-olah beliau masih hidup di sisi kita. Al-Fatihah buat al-Imam al-A’dzam Abu Hanifah Nu’man bin Thaabit radhiyallahu anhu serta kepada seluruh gurunya dan kesemua muslimin dan muslimat sama ada yang amsih hidup atau yang telah wafat. Al-Fatihah.

Ada juga kisah yang saya dengar bahawa soalan terakhir yang ditanyakan oleh kelompok tersebut kepada Sang Imam bilamana mereka telah mati kutu dan sudah terlampau malu ialah berkenaan : “Jika kamu terlalu bijak , apakah yang dilakukan oleh Tuhanmu sekarang?”

Maka al-Imam menjawab dengan tenang.

“ Sebelum aku memberikan jawapan kepadamu, eloklah kiranya kita bertukar tempat. Ini kerana kamu berada pada tempat yang tinggi sedang aku berada di bawah.Jawapan hanya boleh diberikan bilamana aku berada di atas mengambil alih tempatmu”

Athies itu lalu bersetuju dengan cadangan al-Imam tersebut. Lalu mereka bertukar tempat. Al-Imam naik ke atas, manakala sang Atheis turun ke bawah.

Bilamana al-Imam sudah berada di atas . Terus beliau menjawab : “ Kamu bertanya sebentar tadi apakah yang Tuhanku lakukan sekarang bukan? Jawapannya ialah, Tuhanku sedang meninggikan yang Haq (dengan menaikkan al-Imam ke atas ) dan menurunkan yang Batil (dengan menurunkan Atheis tersebut ke bawah).

Zinnirah Safiyah

Apakah Matawang Syariah?

Matawang syariah adalah Dinar Emas dan Dirham Perak. Matawang ini pernah digunakan pada zaman Rasulullah S.A.W dan para sahabat.

Apakah Dinar?

Mengikut piawaian khalifah umar al-khattab, Dinar diperbuat daripada emas 22karat (917). Nilai satu Dinar pada zaman Rasulullah bersama dengan seekor kambing. Nilai Dinar Kelantan pula adalah RM581 pada tarikh pelancaran iaitu 12 Ogos 2010.

Apakah Dirham?

Dirham pula diperbuat daripada perak tulen (999) dan nilai satu Dirham pada zaman Rasulullah boleh membeli seekor ayam.

Bilakah Dinar Dirham Kelantan dilancarkan?

Pada 12 Ogos 2010 oleh Menteri Besar Kelantan YAB Tuan Guru Dato' Bentara Setia Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat.

Apakah Kegunaan Dinar dan Dirham Kelantan?

Dinar dan Dirham Kelantan boleh digunakan untuk :

1. menyempurnakan ibadah zakat,

2. bayaran mas kahwin,

3. simpanan.

4. Bonus dan hadiah

Ianya juga boleh berfungsi sebagai medium pertukaran sukarela untuk barangan atau pun perkhidmatan.

Untuk lebih lanjut, Jom Clik . Mudahkan.. Pastinya maklumat dihujung jari.. (^_^)


From a Chinese Professor.
Keep a syringe or needle in your home to do this… It’s amazing and an unconventional way of recovering from stroke, read it through it can help somebody one day.
This is amazing. Please keep this very handy . Excellent tips.
Do take a minute to read this. You’ll never know, ones life may depend on you.

When a stroke occurs, stay calm.
No matter where the victim is, do not move him/her. Because, if moved, the capillaries will burst.
Help the victim to sit up where he/she is to prevent him/her from falling over again and then the blood letting can begin .
If you have in your home an injection syringe that would be the best.
Otherwise, a sewing needle or a straight pin will do.

1. Place the needle/pin over fire to sterilize it and then use it to prick the tip of all ……10 fingers.
2. There are no specific acupuncture points, just prick about an mm from the finger nail.
3. Prick till blood comes out.
4. If blood does not start to drip, then squeeze with your fingers.
5. When all 10 digits is bleeding, wait a few minutes then the victim will regain consciousness.
6. If the victim’s mouth is crooked , then pull on his ears until they are red.
7. Then prick each earlobe twice until two drops of blood comes from each earlobe.

After a few minutes the victim should regain consciousness.
Wait till the victim regains his normal state without any abnormal symptoms then take him to the hospital.
Otherwise, if he was taken in the ambulance in a hurry to the hospital, the bumpy trip will cause all the capillaries in his brain to burst.
If he could save his life, barely managing to walk, then it is by the grace of his ancestors.
‘I learned about letting blood to save life from Chinese traditional doctor, Ha Bu Ting, who lives in Sun Juke.
Furthermore, I had practical experience with it. Therefore, I can say this method is 100% effective.

In 1979, I was teaching in Fung Gaap College in Tai Chung.
One afternoon, I was teaching a class when another teacher came running tomy classroom and said in panting,
‘Ms Liu, come quick, our supervisor has had a stroke !’. I immediately went to the 3rd floor.
When I saw our supervisor, Mr. Chen Fu Tien, his colour was off, his speech was slurred , his mouth was crooked – all the symptoms of a stroke.

I immediately asked one of the practicum students to go to the pharmacy outside the school to buy a syringe, which I used to prick Mr. Chen’s 10 fingers tips.
When all 10 fingers were bleeding (each with a pea-sized drop of blood), after a few minutes, Mr. Chen’s face regained its colour and his eyes’ spirit returned,
But his mouth was still crooked . So I pulled on his ears to fill them with blood .
When his ears became red ,

I pricked his right earlobe twice to let out two drops of blood .
When both earlobes had two drops of blood each , a miracle happened .
Within 3-5 minutes the shape of his mouth returned to normal and his speech became clear.
We let him rest for a while and have a cup of hot tea , then we helped him go down the stairs, drove him to Wei Wah Hospital . He rested one night and was released the next day to return to school to teach.. Everything worked normally.
There were no ill after effects.

On the other hand, the usual stroke victim usually suffers Irreparable bursting of the brain capillaries on the way to the hospital. As a result, these victims never recover.’ (Irene Liu)Therefore, stroke is the second cause of death. The lucky ones will stay alive but can remain paralysed for life.
It is such a horrible thing to happen in ones life.
If we can all remember this blood letting method and start the life saving process immediately, in a short time, the victim will be revived and regain 100% normality.

The Ramadaan is almost end. It is the time for us to pay Zakaat-Al Fitr for every single muslim.

Following are mostly similar question regarding paying this Zakaat Al-Fitr:

1. Is the zakaat al-fitr that his father paid on his behalf in cash acceptable?

“My father pays zakaat al-fitr on behalf of me and my siblings every year in cash, based on the fatwas of some of the scholars. I have tried repeatedly on many occasions to convince him that this view is not the most correct one, because according to the the majority of scholars, zakaat al-fitr must be paid in the form of the things mentioned in the hadeeths, but he is not convinced. Should I pay zakaat al-fitr on behalf of myself as it is stated in the hadeeth?

Please note that I am still a student at University and my wealth is what I have saved from the money that my father gives me for my needs”.

Praise be to Allaah.

Paying zakaat al-fitr in cash is not acceptable according to the majority of scholars, because the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) enjoined that it be given in the form of the local staple food, and it is not known that he or any of his Companions gave it in the form of money.
Al-Nawawi said in al-Majmoo’ (6/113):

It is not acceptable to pay the cash value of zakaat al-fitr in our view. This was also the view of Maalik, Ahmad and Ibn al-Mundhir.

Abu Haneefah said: It is permissible. This was narrated by Ibn al-Mundhir from al-Hasan al-Basri, ‘Umar ibn ‘Abd al-‘Azeez and al-Thawri.

He said: And Ishaaq and Abu Thawr said that it is not acceptable except in case of necessity. End quote.
See: al-Mawsoo'ah al-Fiqhiyyah, 23/343-344.

If a person follows the view of the Hanafis, ‘Umar ibn ‘Abd al-‘Azeez and al-Hasan al-Basri, that it is permissible to give the value of zakaat al-fitr in cash, based on the evidence that he regards as more correct, or following the scholars who said that, it is acceptable in sha Allah.

Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) was asked:
If a person pays zakaat al-fitr in cash, following the opinion of the scholars of his country, then comes to learn the more correct view, what should he do with regard to his charity??

He replied:
He does not have to do anything. If a person does something on the basis of a fatwa from a scholar or following the scholars of his country, he does not have to do anything. An example of that is if a woman does not pay zakaah on her jewellery and remains for several years not knowing that zakaah is due on jewellery, or on the basis that her scholars have advised her that no zakaah is due on it, then she learns the ruling; she has to pay zakaah after she learns the ruling, but before that she does not have to. End quote.

Liqaa’aat al-Baab al-Maftooh, no. 191, question no. 19
Thus it is clear that if your father pays zakaat al-fitr on your behalf in cash -- based on his following the scholars whose opinion that is -- it is acceptable and valid, and you do not have to do it again in the form of food so long as your father is responsible for spending on you and you are not yet spending on yourself independently.

2. The rate of zakaat al-fitr

“What is the rate of zakaat al-fitr? Is it permissible to give it after the Eid prayer? Is it permissible to give zakaat al-fitr in cash?”

Praise be to Allaah.

It was narrated that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) enjoined zakaat al-fitr upon the Muslims at a rate of one saa’ of dates or one saa’ of barley, and he commanded that it should be given before the people went out to pray – i.e., the Eid prayers. In al-Saheehayn it is narrated that Abu Sa’eed al-Khudri (may Allaah be pleased with him) said:
“At the time of the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) we used to give it at a rate of one saa’ of food, or one saa’ of dates, or one saa’ of barley, or one saa’ of cheese, or one saa’ of raisins…”

A number of scholars interpreted the word ta’aam (food) in this hadeeth as referring to wheat, and others explained it as referring to the staple food of the local people, no matter what it is, whether it is wheat, corn or something else. This is the correct view, because the zakaah is a kind of help given by the rich to the poor, and the Muslim should not offer help with anything other than the staple food of his country. What must be given is a saa’ of all kinds of food, which is four times the amount scooped up with two hands, which is approximately three kilograms. If the Muslim gives a saa’ of rice or some other staple food of his country, that is fine.

It first becomes due on the night of the twenty-eighth of Ramadaan, because the companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to give it one or two days before Eid, and the month lasts twenty-nine or thirty days.

The latest it may be given is at the Eid prayer, but it is not permissible to delay it until after the prayer, because of the report narrated by Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with him), that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever gives it before the prayer, it is accepted zakaah, and whoever gives it after the prayer, it is a kind of charity.” (Narrated by Abu Dawood).

It is not permissible to pay the value in money, according to the majority of scholars, and the evidence for this view is more sound. Rather it should be given in the form of food, as was done by the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), his companions (may Allaah be pleased with them) and the majority of the ummah. We ask Allaah to help us and all the Muslims to understand His religion and adhere steadfastly to it. May Allaah bless our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions.

3. Where to pay zakaat al-fitr

“I am a young man living in Kuwait, but I have taken my daughter to America for medical treatment and I fasted Ramadaan in America. Do I have to pay zakaat al-fitr in America or can I delegate my family in Kuwait to pay it on my behalf? What is the ruling on paying zakaat al-fitr in cash? Please note that in America they pay it in cash instead of giving staple food”.

Praise be to Allaah.

The scholars (may Allaah be pleased with them) stated that zakaat al-fitr is connected to numbers of people, not money, and it is to be paid in the place where a person is on the night before Eid.
Ibn Qudaamah said in al-Mughni (4/134):

As for zakaat al-fitr, it is to be paid in the land where the person from whom it is due is present, whether his wealth is there or not. End quote.

As for paying zakaat al-fitr in cash, we have explained in the answer to question no. 22888that it must be given in the form of food, and that paying it in cash is not acceptable.

So you must try to give it in the form of food. If the poor person refuses the food and asks for cash, then there is nothing wrong with your giving it as cash in that case, because of need or necessity.

4. To whom should zakaat al-fitr be given?

“To whom should zakaat al-fitr be given? Is it permissible to send it to the mujaahideen in Afghanistan, for example? Or to donate it to charitable funds for building a mosque, for example?”

Praise be to Allaah.

Zakaat al-fitr should be given to the poor Muslims in the land or city where it is given, because of the report narrated by Abu Dawood from Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with him), who said: “The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) enjoined zakaat al-fitr, to be paid in Ramadaan to feed the poor…” It is permissible to send it to the poor of another land whose people are in greater need. It is not permissible to spend it on building a mosque or other charitable projects.

5. They gave him zakaat al-fitr but he delayed giving it until after the day of Eid because he could not find any poor people

A man lives in Italy. He is in charge of the masjid in his area, like gathering charities. He gathered/ Zakat Al-Fitr in the last Ramadaan from the Muslims to give it out to who deserves it. But he did not find needy people so he did not give it out until this day.
Should he add this money to the expenses of the masjid he is in charge of, knowing that it does not need? Or give it out to an Islamic school in his home country, knowing that this school depends on money of charity; he also has a son in this school? Does this delaying by the imam decreases the reward of the Muslims who gave that Zakat?.

Praise be to Allaah.


Zakaat al-fitr must be paid before the Eid prayer, because of the report narrated by Abu Dawood (1609) and Ibn Majaah (1827) from Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with him) who said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) enjoined zakaat al-fitr as a purification for the fasting person from idle and obscene talk, and to feed the poor. Whoever pays it before the (Eid) prayer, it is accepted zakaah, and whoever pays it after the prayer, it is (ordinary) charity.

Classed as hasan by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood.

It says in ‘Awn al-Ma’bood Sharh Abi Dawood: It seems that the one who pays zakaat al-fitr after the Eid prayer is like one who did not pay it, because they both failed to pay this obligatory charity. Most of the scholars are of the view that paying it before the Eid prayer is only mustahabb, and they stated that it may be paid until the end of the day of al-Fitr, but the hadeeth refutes that.

As for delaying it until after the day of Eid, Ibn Raslaan said: That is haraam according to scholarly consensus, because it is zakaah, so there must be sin involved in delaying it, as is the case with delaying prayer until the time for it is over. End quote.

Based on this, the imam was wrong to delay the zakaah, and he should have looked for people who are entitled to it, or sent the zakaah to a country where there are people who are entitled to it.


If a person delays giving zakaat al-fitr until after the day of Eid for no valid reason, he has sinned and he has to make it up. The people of the mosque are not to blame, because they appointed someone to give it on their behalf. The imam now has to give it to people who are entitled to it. It is not permissible to spend it on mosque expenses. As for the Islamic school, if there are poor people there who are entitled to the zakaah, it is permissible to give it to them, otherwise it is not.

Ibn Qudaamah (may Allaah have mercy on him) said in al-Mughni (2/485): If he delays it (zakaat al-fitr) until after the day of Eid, he is sinning and he has to make it up. End quote.

In al-Mawsoo’ah al-Fiqhiyyah (43/41) it says: The Maalikis, Shaafa’is and Hanbalis are of the view that the one who delays zakaat al-fitr until after the day of Eid when he is able to pay it is sinning and he has to make it up. End quote.

The Standing Committee for Issuing Fatwas was asked: Is the time for paying zakaat al-fitr from after the Eid prayer until the end of that day?

They replied: The time for paying zakaat al-fitr does not start after the Eid prayer, rather it starts at sunset on the last day of Ramadaan, which is the first night of the month of Shawwaal, and it ends with the Eid prayer, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) enjoined that it should be paid before the prayer, and because of the report of Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with him) who said that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever pays it before the (Eid) prayer, it is accepted zakaah, and whoever pays it after the prayer, it is (ordinary) charity.” It is permissible to pay it one or two days before that because of the report of Ibn ‘Umar (may Allaah be pleased with him) who said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) enjoined zakaat al-fitr at the end of Ramadaan … at the end of which he said: And they used to give it one or two days before that. But the one who delays it until after the proper time is sinning, and he has to repent from delaying it and give it to the poor. End quote.

Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him) was asked: I did not pay zakaat al-fitr because Eid came suddenly, and after Eid al-Fitr I kept asking about what I should do with regard to this matter. Is it waived for me or do I have to pay it? What is the reason behind it?

He replied: Zakaat al-fitr is obligatory. Ibn ‘Umar (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) enjoined zakaat al-fitr. It is obligatory upon every Muslim, male and female, young and old, free and slave. If it so happens that Eid comes suddenly, before you can pay it, then you should pay it on the day of Eid, even if that is after the prayer, because if one misses the time of an obligatory act of worship for a reason, it must be made up when the reason ceases to apply, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said concerning prayer; “Whoever forgets a prayer or sleeps and misses it, let him pray it when he remembers it, for there is no expiation for it other than that.” And he recited the verse (interpretation of the meaning): “and perform As‑Salaah (Iqaamat‑as‑Salaah) for My remembrance” [Ta-ha 20:14]. End quote from Fataawa al-Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (18/271).

He also said: But if he delays it for a reason, such as forgetting or because there were no poor people to be found on the night before Eid, then it will be accepted from him, whether he puts it back with his own wealth or leaves it until he finds a poor person comes.

The imam of the mosque should give this zakaah to the poor and needy. If there are no poor people in his city then he should send it to another city.

Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him) was asked about transferring zakaat al-fitr, and he replied: There is nothing wrong with transferring zakaat al-fitr to a city other than the city of the man who gave it, if that is done for a need because there are no poor people in his city. But if it is done unnecessarily, because there are people in his city who could accept it, then it is not permissible according to what some scholars have said.

And Allaah knows best.

By - Shaykh Ibn Baaz (may Allaah have mercy on him). Majallat al-Buhooth al-Islamiyyah, issue no. 17, pp. 79-80.
- The Standing Committee for Research and Issuing Fatwas.
- End quote from Fataawa al-Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (18/318).

Source : Islamqa

Jazaak Allah Khair for reading.

Sinai attacks, another game ?

They say "If you want to know who the criminal is, then search for the beneficiary".
Once again "Israel" tries to involve the Palestinians in its terrorist plans, as Gazans were accused of Sinai attack that took place yesterday evening, Aug. the 5th /2012 , and caused 16 Egyptian soldiers to be killed .

First, I believe a piece of news that was released 3 days before the attack would help you understand how their sly game works . "abc News" has published on Thursday, Aug. the 2nd /2012: "Israel is urging its citizens traveling in Egypt's Sinai peninsula to return immediately amid warnings of an attack."
Anyone who reads this piece will automatically think "Isn't it strange how "Israel" evacuates its citizens 3 days before the attack ?!"

"Israel" has always been trying to control Sinai, their plans and attempts to show it as an insecure area and that it needs to be controlled by a greater force, which is an attempt to involve themselves in controlling the area, have always been clear ! ...
"If you don't come to democracy, democracy will come to you" !

Such kind of happenings only needs us to remain calm, and logically think about the data we have and who would be satisfied to commit such attacks !
Logically, Palestinians would not be that stupid to do something that causes them to return to their open-air prison again; since Rafah crossing that links Gaza with Egypt, and is almost the only outlet for the Gaza Strip to the outside world, was closed due to the latest attack .
I have read a point of view that was a comment on the latest happenings of Sinai.
The one who seemed to be aware of Gaza conditions said : "Israel couldn't force Egypt to close Rafah crossing, so it has created the circumstances that would force it to do so,"
This somehow reminds me of the Israeli policy when they intelligently choose the perfect time to assassinate a Palestinian official in the Gaza Strip to provoke Gazans, which at the end leads them to respond by shelling the border areas that are almost empty of Israeli citizens, while Palestinian response is always considered as "breaking the truce" that has never happened from the first place !

On the other hand, I find it funny how "Ovijaa Adraei", the official spokesman for the Israeli occupation forces, condemned the attack, describing it as an assault committed in the holy month of Ramadan by terrorists who do not respect anything. Meanwhile, a 22-year-old Palestinian guy was killed by an Israeli airstrike targeting a motorbike in the Gaza Strip, and surprisingly, this was also during the holy month of Ramadan !

In short, we have a proverb in Arabic that says : "He murders the victim, then walks in their funeral" . I believe this is a very intelligent policy, but not when you walk in the funeral with the blood of victims on your clothes ... Sometimes you need to wash them first, although I believe blood stains can be tricky to get out of clothes !

Maha - International communities against Israel (2)

11 Signs That Time Is Quickly Running Out For The Global Financial System.

Are we rapidly approaching a moment of reckoning for the global financial system? August is likely to be a relatively slow month, as most of Europe is on vacation, but after that we will be moving into a "danger zone" where just about anything could happen. 

Historically, a financial crisis has been more likely to happen in the fall than during any other time, and this fall is shaping up to be a doozy.

Much of the focus of the financial world is on whether or not the euro is going to break up, but even if the authorities in Europe are able to keep the euro together we are still facing massive problems. 

Countries such as Greece and Spain are already experiencing depression-like conditions, and much of the rest of the globe is sliding into recession. Unemployment has already risen to record levels in some parts of Europe, major banks all over Europe are teetering on the brink of insolvency, and the flow of credit is freezing up all over the planet. If things take a really bad turn, this crisis could become much worse than the financial crisis of 2008 very quickly.

All over the world people are starting to write about the possibility of a major economic crisis starting this fall.For example, a recent article in the International Business Times discussed how some economists around the globe are fearing the worst for the coming months. The consensus? The world economy has entered a final countdown with three months left, and investors should pencil in a collapse in either August or September. 

Citing a theory he has been espousing since 2010 that predicts 'a future lack of policy flexibility from the monetary and fiscal side,' Jim Reid, a strategist at Deutsche Bank, wrote a note Tuesday that gloated "it feels like Europe has proved us right.' 

'The U.S. has the ability to disprove the universal nature of our theory,' Reid wrote, but 'if this U.S. cycle is of completely average length as seen using the last 158 years of history (33 cycles), then the next recession should start by the end of August.'

The global financial system is so complex and there are so many thousands of moving parts that it is always difficult to put an exact date on anything. In fact, history is littered with economists that have ended up looking rather foolish by putting a particular date on a prediction.But without a doubt we are starting to see storm clouds gather for this fall.

The following are 11 more signs that time is quickly running out for the global financial system....

#1 A number of very important events regarding the financial future of Europe are going to happen in the month of September. 

The following is from a recent Reuters article that detailed many of the key things that are currently slated to occur during that month.

In that month a German court makes a ruling that could neuter the new euro zone rescue fund, the anti-bailout Dutch vote in elections just as Greece tries to renegotiate its financial lifeline, and decisions need to be made on whether taxpayers suffer huge losses on state loans to Athens. 

On top of that, the euro zone has to figure out how to help its next wobbling dominoes, Spain and Italy - or what do if one or both were to topple.

#2 Reuters is reporting that Spanish Economy Minister Luis de Guindos has suggested that Spain may need a 300 billion euro bailout.

#3 Spain continues to slide deeper into recession. The Spanish economy contracted 0.4 percent during the second quarter of 2012 after contracting 0.3 percent during the first quarter.

#4 The unemployment rate in Spain is now up to 24.6 percent.

#5 According to the Wall Street Journal, a new 30 billion euro hole has been discovered in the financial rescue plan for Greece.

#6 Morgan Stanley is projecting that the unemployment rate in Greece will exceed 25 percent in 2013.

#7 It is now being projected that the Greek economy will shrink by a total of 7 percent during 2012.

#8 German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble says that the rest of Europe will not be making any more concessions for Greece.

#9 The UK economy has now plunged into a deep recession. During the second quarter of 2012 alone, the UK economy contracted by 0.7 percent.

#10 The Dallas Fed index of general business activity fell dramatically to -13.2 in July. This was a huge surprise and it is yet another indication that the U.S. economy is rapidly headinginto a recession.

#11 As I have written about previously, a banking crisis is more likely to happen in the fall than at any other time during the year. The global financial system will enter a "danger zone" starting in September, and none of us need to be reminded that the crashes of 1929, 1987 and 2008 all happened during the second half of the year.

So is there any hope on the horizon? European leaders have tried short-term solution after short-term solution and none of them have worked.Now countries all over Europe are sliding into depression and the authorities in Europe seem to be all out of answers. The following is what one eurozone diplomat said recently....

'For two years we've been pumping up the life raft, taking decisions that fill it with just enough air to keep it afloat even though it has a leak,' the diplomat said. 'But now the leak has got so big that we can't pump air into the raft quickly enough to keep it afloat.'

The boat is filling up with water faster than they can bail it out.

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