Kelebihan Beriktikaf di Masjid...

Ganjaran untuk orang beriktikaf adalah selama mana dia duduk dalam masjid akan mendapat rahmat Allah dan walaupun ia sengaja tidur (dengan niat beriktikaf) maka akan tetap mendapat pahala yang berterusan.

Diriwayatkan oleh Imam Al-Bukhari yang bermaksud:-

Dari Abi Hurairah Radiallahu-Anhu ia berkata, sabda Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, “Apabila sesorang itu sudah berwudhu dengan sempurna dan berjalan ke masjid dengan niat semata-mata hendak bersembahyang, maka setiap langkah yang dilaluinya itu akan mendapat pahala dan menghapuskan satu dosanya. 

Kalau dia beriktikaf pula dalam masjid (dengan ada wudhu) selepas selesai sembahyang, para malaikat berdoa kehadrat Allah Subhanahu Wataala memohon ampun untuknya. Dan selagi dia beriktikaf di dalam masjid menunggu untuk bersembahyang, dia akan terus menerus mendapat pahala seolah-olah dia itu sedang sibuk melakukan sembahyang”.

Subhanallah, Maha Suci Allah Yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Kaya.

Solat Sunat Tahiyyatul Masjid::

Menurut Dr. Wahbah al-Zuhailiy dalam kitab al-Fiqh al-Islami Wa"adillatuh didalam bab sembahyang Tahiyat al-Masjid :

' Sesiapa yang memasuki masjid disunatkan membuat sembahyang sunat dua rakaat sebagai penghormatan kepada pemilik masjid kerana terdapat hadis Rasulullah s.a.w,

Maksudnya : Apabila salah seorang kamu memasuki masjid, janganlah dia duduk sebelum melakukan ruku" dua rakaat sembahyang dua rakaat.

Berikut persoalan-persoalan yang mungkin kita biasa tertanya:

· Jika jemaah masjid sudah mula untuk mendirikan solat fardhu, perlu kah bagi kita solat sunat tahiyyatul masjid terlebih dahulu?

Apabila seseorang itu memasuki masjid dan sembahyang jemaah telah mula dilakukan, dia tidak perlu melakukan sembahyang Tahiyatul Masjid kerana Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda :

Maksudnya : Apabila sembahyang jamaah telah mula dilakukan maka tidak ada lagi sembahyang kecuali sembahyang fardhu.

· Bagaimana jika masuk itu terus duduk, masih bolehkan melakukannya?

Jika duduk itu dengan sengaja, maka tiada lagi disunatkan solat itu. Jika duduk itu dengan terlupa ada 2 keadaan. Terlupa yang sekejap kemudian ingat kembali, maka dibolehkan bangun dan terus solat. 

Jika terlupa yang panjang waktunya, kemudian teringat, tiadalah lagi dibolehkan bangun bersolat. Adapun bagi orang yang tidak dapat mengerjakan solat sunat tahiyatul masjid disebabkan dia telah duduk atau dia sekadar masuk sebentar untuk sesuatu keperluan, maka dianjurkan membaca: (Subhanallah Walhamdulillah Walailahailallah Wallahu Akbar) sebanyak 4 kali.

· Jika masuk ke dalam masjid dan didapati azan sudah berkumandang, bagaimana?

Bila azan sudah berkumandang, maka berdiri ia menjawab azan tersebut, kemudian melakukan solat sunat rawatib. Solat sunat rawatib itu dikira sudah memadai sebagai memenuhi tuntutan solat sunat tahiyatul masjid.

· Bolehkah dilakukan solat sunat tahiyatul masjid ini di tempat lain daripada masjid?

Tiadalah dibolehkan yang demikian seperti surau atau musolla (bilik solat). Hanya sanya yang dituntut untuk solat tersebut adalah pada bangunan yang dibina khusus sebagai masjid...


Revolusi Anak Muda Malaysia [ R.A.M.M ]

Peperangan Uhud

Tahun berlaku : 7 Syawal, dan ada yang mengatakan pada 15 Syawal tahun ke-3 Hijriah. 
Tempat peperangan : Berdekatan bukit Uhud di Madinah Al-Munawwarah 
Ketua tentera muslimin : Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. 
Bilangan tentera muslimin : 700 orang 
Pemegang panji : Mus'ab bin Umayr 
Bilangan syuhada' : 70 orang. 

Ketua tentera musyrikin : Abu Sufyan Sakhr bin Harb 
Bilangan tentera musyrikin : 3000 orang 
Pemegang panji : Talhah bin Uthman 
Bilangan tentera yang terbunuh : 22 orang menurut pendapat Ibnu Ishaq, dan 37 orang menurut pendapat Sofiyurrahman Al-Mubarakfuri (pengarang kitab Ar-Rahiq Al-Makhtum).

Sebab peperangan – Telah berkata Imam Ibnu Jarir At-Thabari (Perkara yang menyebabkan berlakunya perang Uhud antara Nabi S.A.W dan kaum musyrikin Quraisy ialah pertempuran Badar, apabila telah terbunuh di dalamnya pemimpin Quraisy dan pemukanya).

Sebelum peperangan 

Ketika Abu Sufyan pulang dalam keadaan selamat bersama tunggangannya ke Makkah, dalam masa yang sama tentera Quraisy pulang dari peperangan Badar dalam kekalahan, datang kepadanya di kalangan mereka yang kehilangan sanak saudara (ayah, anak-anak, dan saudara terdekat) di dalam peperangan Badar. 

Mereka menawarkan kepadanya bantuan harta untuk memerangi Nabi S.A.W. serta membalas dendam ke atas kaum muslimin. Selepas beberapa ketika, kaum Quraisy berkumpul bersama konco-konconya termasuklah golongan Kinanah dan Tihamah yang kesemuanya bersepakat memerangi Nabi S.A.W. Mereka keluar dari kota Makkah sehinggalah sampai ke suatu tempat berdekatan dengan bukit Uhud. Ketika itu, Nabi S.A.W. yang telah mengetahui perkhabaran ini bermesyuarat dengan para sahabat di Madinah. Antara persepakatan dalam perbincangan ini ialah :

• Satu kumpulan akan keluar berperang. 
• Satu kumpulan yang lain akan menjaga keselamatan dalam Madinah.

Pendirian ini dilihat oleh Nabi S.A.W. sebagai suatu strategi walaupun ramai di kalangan para sahabat yang bersemangat dan ingin keluar berperang. Akhirnya, setelah selesai solat Jumaat Nabi S.A.W. bersama kaum muslimin telah keluar bersama 1000 bala tentera. Di pertengahan jalan, ketua kaum munafiqin iaitu Abdullah bin Ubai bin Salul telah memainkan peranannya sehingga menyebabkan seramai 300 orang berundur daripada menyertai pasukan tentera kaum muslimin. 

Nabi S.A.W. bersabda : Dia (Abdullah bin Ubai) telah menderhakaiku, dan taat kepada mereka (musyrikin). Perbuatan ini telah menimbulkan kemarahan baginda sehingga Rasulullah berpendapat bahawa mereka akan diperangi ketika berada di Madinah. 

Persiapan bala tentera 

Nabi S.A.W. telah memerintahkan tentera muslimin berada dekat kawasan bukit Uhud, sedangakan seramai 50 orang pemanah di bawah kawalan Abdullah bin Jubayr bersiap sedia di kawasan atas bukit yang lain. Antara pesanan Rasulullah kepada dua kelompok ini : 

• Bala tentera : Janganlah kamu semua memerangi sesiapa sehingga aku memerintahkan sedemikian.
• Pasukan pemanah : Seranglah pasukan berkuda (musyrikin) dengan panah sehingga mereka tidak dapat menyerang kita dari belakang walaupun kita menang atau kalah (dalam peperangan ini). Tetaplah kamu di tempat ini. 

Peristiwa dalam perang Uhud 

1. Nabi S.A.W. memberikan pedangnya kepada salah seorang sahabat, Abu Dujanah untuk memerangi musuh.
2. Kaum wanita memainkan peranan apabila turut serta bersama kaum musyrikin sehingga kaum lelaki mereka sentiasa bersemangat dan tidak lari daripada peperangan. Tambahan pula, mereka akan lebih berhati-hati dalam peperangan ini apabila bukan sahaja melindungi diri mereka daripada terbunuh tetapi ahli keluarga mereka daripada terjatuh ke dalam tawanan kaum muslimin. Antaranya – Abu Sufyan bersama Hindun bt 'Utbah, Ikrimah bin Abu Jahal bersama Ummu Hakim bt Al-Harith bin Hisham bin Al-Mughirah, Safwan bin Umayyah bersama Barzarah bt Mas'ud bin 'Amru bin Umayr As-Tsaqfiyyah.
3. Kesilapan pasukan pemanah muslimin – tentera berkuda musyrikin di bawah pimpinan Khalid bin Al-Walid telah cuba menyerang kaum muslimin dari belakang tetapi ia dapat dipatahkan oleh pasukan pemanah yang berada di atas bukit. Maka beliau dan tentera berkudanya berpatah balik dalam keadaan kaum muslimin berjaya mara ke kawasan tentera musyrikin. Apabila melihat tentera berkuda Khalid Al-Walid berpatah balik, mereka (beberapa orang daripada pasukan pemanah) telah berkata : Marilah kita mengambil harta rampasan perang. Sebahagian yang lain pula berkata : Jangan ingkar pada pesanan Nabi S.A.W.! Tetapi kebanyakan daripada mereka meninggalkan kawasan bukit sehinggalah perkara ini diketahui oleh Khalid bin Al-Walid dan beliau mengarahkan tentera berkuda musyrikin sekali lagi menyerang kaum muslimin dari belakang. Ketika kaum musyrikin melihat musuh mereka diserang dari kawasan belakang bukit, mereka terus bersemangat dan meneruskan serangan dari hadapan ke kawasan kaum muslimin.
4. Pembunuhan beberapa tokoh Quraisy oleh kelompok tentera muslimin yang dipimpin Saidina Ali K.A.W. iaitu 'Amru bin Abdullah Al-Jumahi dan Syaibah bin Malik.
5. Syahidnya Saidina Hamzah yang dibunuh oleh Wahsyi ketika beliau sedang bertempur dengan Siba' bin Abdil Uza. Setelah ditikam, beliau cuba untuk mengejar Wahsyi tetapi telah jatuh dan syahid di jalan Allah S.W.T. 
6. Rasulullah S.A.W. cedera – patah gigi hadapan, luka di kepala dan kawasan muka (pipi). 
7. Di akhir peperangan, Rasulullah S.A.W. bersama kaum muslimin naik ke bukit dan diekori kaum musyrikin. Nabi S.A.W. bersabda : Mereka tidak akan dapat mengatasi kita, maka kaum muslimin membaling batu ke arah kaum musyrikin sehingga mereka turun daripada bukit tersebut. 
8. Perbuatan kejam kaum Quraisy kepada syuhada' muslimin – mereka telah memotong hidung, telinga dan merobek perut syuhada' muslimin. 

Selepas peperangan

1. Wahsyi telah memeluk Islam selepas beberapa tahun dan menggunakan pedang yang sama ketika membunuh Musailamah Al-Kazzab dalam peperangan Al-Yamamah.
2. Antara syuhada' muslimin :
• Abdullah bin Jahsy 
• Mus'ab bin Umayr
• Hanzalah bin Abi 'Amir (Ghasil Al-Malaikah)
• Aus bin Tsabit, saudara kepada Hasan bin Tasbit penyair Nabi S.A.W.
• Abdullah bin Jubayr (ketua pasukan pemanah).

Abu Saif Al-Jundi 

8 great goals to set for this Ramadan

Eat, drink and be moderate 

Almost all of us do it - once Iftar time hits, we just keep ploughing food and drink into our mouths till it's hard to move afterwards. And those of us who do it know this is totally contrary to the spirit of Ramadan, through which we're supposed to learn self-control not self-indulgence. Let's try to stick to the Prophetic rule on eating: fill our stomachs with one-third food, one-third water and one-third breathing space, even in Ramadan. 

Give a dollar a day in charity...or five or ten

The Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, was always generous but even more so in Ramadan. Let's open our hearts and dig a little deeper in our wallets this year. Even less than a dollar a day adds up. Whatever you can give, it's the intention that counts. 

Memorize 4 new Surahs 

Memorizing the Quran often seems like a daunting task. But the key is doing it in small bites. Since there are four weeks in Ramadan, try to memorize one new Surah a week. Start off with a short, easy one. Once you've started, you'll build momentum and may even want to memorize a longer one the following week. 

Go to Tarawih prayers 

Post-Iftar, the first urge is to sleep after an exhausting day. But try your best to head out to the mosque for Tarawih prayers. Praying alone is wonderful, but doing it in congregation is fantastic. The community spirit is part of Ramadan's blessings. Don't miss it this year. If going every day is not possible, try going at least one week. 
Attend the Tarawih prayer in which the recitation of the Quran will be finished
Call the local mosque and find out which day the Imam will be finishing the recitation of the Quran in prayer. Attend to not only hear part of the Quran's recitation in prayer, but also participate in the heart-rending Duas that follow it. 

Stop swearing and/or backbiting – with a special box 

It's hard not to shoot our mouths off when someone's upset us. Whether we utter those four-letter words or backbite about someone to our family and friends, we know this isn't the God-approved way of letting off steam. In Ramadan, when we want to build our spirituality, we've got to wage Jihad against our bad habits. 
Try this: get a box and every time you catch yourself swearing or backbiting put some money in it. It could be a buck or less. The point is to choose an amount that makes it feel like punishment. 
At the end of the month send the money to a charity or buy a gift for the person whom you've backbitten the most against. 

Call/email your relatives

You'd think that given the easy access to email, competitive long-distance calling rates, phone cards, etc. these days, we'd keep in touch with family and friends more often. But the opposite seems to be the case, as we get caught up in life's "busyness." Strengthening ties with family members and keeping in touch with friends is part of our way of life and an act Allah is very pleased with. This Ramadan, call family and friends or at least email them a Ramadan card and ask them how their fasting is going. 

Go on a technology diet

Even if you work in the IT industry, you can do this. Avoid checking personal email and surfing the web during your fast. After Iftar, instead of plopping yourself in front of the screen, go to Tarawih. The same goes for the television. The point is to try to give our full attention to spiritual elevation this month. 
Read 15 minutes of Quran a day...just five, not more, not less

Even if you feel you've got absolutely no time, set a timer or the alarm on your cell phone and find a relatively quiet place. You can read the first page of the Quran you open or follow a sequence. The choice is yours. The point is simply to connect with God through His revelation in the month of the Quran. 

Forgive everyone who has hurt you 

Still got a festering wound from the fight with your friend last year? Still upset about something your spouse said during a heated argument? Or are you still bitter about the way your parents sometimes treated you as a kid? Let go of the anger and pain this Ramadan and forgive those who have hurt you. Forgiving someone is not only good for the body, but it's also great for the soul. And in Ramadan, ten days of which are devoted to Allah's forgiveness, shouldn't we lesser beings forgive too? 
If you find it very difficult to forgive everyone, forgive at least three people. 


Fasting; A Gift From Your Creator

Fasting is one of the pillars of Islam. It has been an integral part of all major religions. The Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) fasted for forty days before he was called to prophethood (Matthew 4:2). Similarly Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) fasted for forty days and nights before he was given the Law (Exodus 24:18).

Controlling Desires.... Fasting in Ramadan is a part of the broader program that Islam prescribes for man to fulfill his moral and spiritual destiny in this world and in the Hereafter. It is the special worship designed to develop in man the ability to exercise self-restraint and patience for the pleasure of Allah, man's Creator, Lord and Nourisher. Its objective is to give man the power to keep in check his unruly desires and tendencies that make him prone to greed, revenge, anger, provocation and fear; that make him commit various sins, acts of aggression, cruelty and oppression. It seeks to free the human soul and lends it the moral and spiritual strength to promote beauty, harmony, kindness, peace, compassion and justice. The Qur'an says:

" We sent Our Messengers with clear signs and sent down with them the Book and the balance (of right and wrong), that men may stand forth in justice." (57:25)
Fasting for Taqwa.... Prescribing fasting the Qur'an says:

"O you who believe, fasting is prescribed to you as it was to those before you, that you may (learn) self-restraint." (2:183)
The original Arabic word translated here as self-restraint is taqwa, which has a much broader significance. It symbolizes that basic mortal quality that demarcates the line between morality and amorality, and distinguishes humans from animals as moral beings. It represents love of good with an eagerness to respond to it, and a strong desire to keep away from what is evil and harmful. Those who are neutral or immune to questions of good and bad, justice and injustice, compassion and cruelty, loyalty and treachery are in the words of the Qur'an like the blind, deaf, and dumb cattle, whose only concern in life is to fill their stomachs."They have hearts wherewith they understand not, eyes wherewith they see not, and ears wherewith they hear not."

Developing Taqwa.... This moral quality is nourished and can be developed only by controlling and keeping in check one's desires, impulses, and emotions and that is precisely what fasting is prescribed to achieve. The Arabic word for fasting used in the above verse is siyam which means to leave something or to avoid it. In the light of this, Islamic fasting may be defined as the worship in which man willingly forsakes his quite legitimate needs like eating, drinking and other lawful pleasures in compliance with the commandment of god, every day for a whole month, Ramadan, the ninth month in the Islamic calendar. Thus Islamic fasting is not merely leaving all that is evil. The Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) said: "When one of you is fasting and someone abuses him or fights with him, he should tell him `I cannot respond to you for I am fasting.'" On another occasion he said "He who does not leave evil only gets thirst and hunger from fasting."

Through fasting we seek closeness to God by obeying him sincerely and carrying out his will in our daily life, our actions and thoughts, till our days and nights bear witness that He is dearer to us than anything else. Look at the time schedule of a believer during this month; getting up early before dawn for a light snack, stopping all eating and drinking all day, being anxious to devote himself to prayers and adoration of God, eagerness to do good and eschew evil, and during the nights of this month to stand in prayer for hours, sacrificing sleep and comfort, offering special extra prayers: more or less like one of a soldier under rigorous training. The only difference here is that it is not just one physical battle he is training for, but an all-comprehensive and continuous war against evil, both from within and without.

Special Rewards..... It is well known that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) regularly observed fasting in other parts of the year besides Ramadan, and he always exhorted his followers to do the same. But it is in the month of Ramadan when the entire Muslim community all over the world observes fasting that a special meaning emerges. It transforms fasting into an institution that elevates the human soul to unprecedented heights. The Prophet (PBUH) said: "Every good deed is rewarded from ten to seven hundred times over, but God says fasting is the exception; it is for Me, and My servant forgoes his eating and drinking for my sake, so I Myself will reward My servant for it."

Gift of Qur'an...... Association of fasting with the month of Ramadan reminds us that it was during this month that Allah perfected His blessing upon mankind by giving us His last book, the Qur'an.

"Ramadan is the month in which was sent down the Qur'an as a guide to mankind, also clear (signs) for guidance and judgement (between right and wrong). So everyone of you who is present (at home) during that month should spend it in fasting." (The Qur'an, 2:185) 

Fasting in the month of Ramadan thus takes on a new spiritual and moral significance. It is the month in which we celebrate the praises of our Lord God for the great gift of the Qur'an. We glorify Him and extol His holiness by fasting during this month. The Qur'an not only shows man the right path, but also guides human reason and lays down a clear criterion between right and wrong, good and evil. It is not just a book of do's and don'ts, but is the repository of infinite wisdom, and a guidance to the highest moral and spiritual excellence as well as to material and temporal success. The Qur'an regards human reason as the greatest single gift of God to man, and addresses its message to it, but it can function properly only if it is free and objective in its outlook. Fasting helps free human reason from the tyranny of unruly lusts and appetites, whims and caprices, individual and social, which often overwhelm and enslave it. Fasting puts human reason back in the driving seat by restraining, not suppressing or destroying three dominant human desires: desire for comfort, desire for food, and desire for procreation of his species. The Qur'an liberates human reason from the clutches of blind but powerful and unbridled emotion and sentiment.

THE STRAIGHT PATH............ Following the path of good is often unpalatable, and involves struggle against one's own desires and interests. It may also sometimes mean doing or saying what one considers true but is not popular and hence risking the anger and displeasure of others, sometimes of those most dear and near. To stand firm under these circumstances steadfastly following the right path requires a great deal of inner strength and self-restraint - a prime moral and human quality - to choose what is right and then abide by it notwithstanding the difficulties and sacrifices. "Wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leads to destruction, and many there are that follow it," whereas "strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leads to life, and few are they who find it." (Matthew 6:13-14)

Islam seeks to guide man onto the path to eternal life and prepares him for it through worship, prayers, charity and fasting. All these are meant to enable man to exercise control over his own life and have the moral courage to take the path of truth, justice and compassion. It wants reason to take charge of the ship of life and steer it wisely and safely through the stormy and dangerous seas of this life under the guidance of Divine Revelation. That is the message of Ramadan. Let us heed the message and proclaim: " God is my Lord and your Lord; then worship Him. This is the way that is straight." (The Qur'an 3:51) 


Puasa Tetapi Tidak Shalat

Syaikh Muhammad bin Sholih Al ‘Utsaimin -rahimahullah- pernah ditanya: “Apa hukum orang yang berpuasa namun meninggalkan shalat?”

Beliau rahimahullah menjawab:
“Puasa yang dilakukan oleh orang yang meninggalkan shalat tidaklah diterima karena orang yang meninggalkan shalat adalah kafir dan murtad.

Dalil bahwa meninggalkan shalat termasuk bentuk kekafiran adalah firman Allah Ta’ala,
فَإِنْ تَابُوا وَأَقَامُوا الصَّلَاةَ وَآَتَوُا الزَّكَاةَ فَإِخْوَانُكُمْ فِي الدِّينِ وَنُفَصِّلُ الْآَيَاتِ لِقَوْمٍ يَعْلَمُونَ
“Jika mereka bertaubat, mendirikan sholat dan menunaikan zakat, maka (mereka itu) adalah saudara-saudaramu seagama. Dan Kami menjelaskan ayat-ayat itu bagi kaum yang mengetahui.”
(Qs. At Taubah [9]: 11)

Alasan lain adalah sabda Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam,
بَيْنَ الرَّجُلِ وَبَيْنَ الشِّرْكِ وَالْكُفْرِ تَرْكُ الصَّلاَةِ
“Pembatas antara seorang muslim dengan kesyirikan dan kekafiran adalah meninggalkan shalat.”
(HR. Muslim no. 82)

Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam juga bersabda,
الْعَهْدُ الَّذِى بَيْنَنَا وَبَيْنَهُمُ الصَّلاَةُ فَمَنْ تَرَكَهَا فَقَدْ كَفَرَ
“Perjanjian antara kami dan mereka (orang kafir) adalah mengenai shalat. Barangsiapa meninggalkannya maka dia telah kafir.”
(HR. Ahmad, At Tirmidzi, An Nasa’i, Ibnu Majah. Dikatakan shahih oleh Syaikh Al Albani)

Pendapat yang mengatakan bahwa meninggalkan shalat merupakan suatu kekafiran adalah pendapat mayoritas sahabat Nabi bahkan dapat dikatakan pendapat tersebut adalah ijma’ (kesepakatan) para sahabat.

‘Abdullah bin Syaqiq –rahimahullah- (seorang tabi’in yang sudah masyhur) mengatakan, “Para sahabat Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam tidaklah pernah menganggap suatu amalan yang apabila seseorang meninggalkannya akan menyebabkan dia kafir selain perkara shalat.”
[Perkataan ini diriwayatkan oleh At Tirmidzi dari 'Abdullah bin Syaqiq Al 'Aqliy; seorang tabi'in. Hakim mengatakan bahwa hadits ini bersambung dengan menyebut Abu Hurairah di dalamnya. Dan sanad (periwayat) hadits ini adalah shohih. Lihat Ats Tsamar Al Mustathob fi Fiqhis Sunnah wal Kitab, hal. 52, -pen]

Oleh karena itu, apabila seseorang berpuasa namun dia meninggalkan shalat, puasa yang dia lakukan tidaklah sah
(tidak diterima).
Amalan puasa yang dia lakukan tidaklah bermanfaat pada hari kiamat nanti.

Oleh sebab itu, kami katakan, “Shalatlah kemudian tunaikanlah puasa.” Adapun jika engkau puasa namun tidak shalat, amalan puasamu akan tertolak karena orang kafir (karena sebab meninggalkan shalat) tidak diterima ibadah dari dirinya.

[Sumber: Majmu' Fatawa wa Rosa-il Ibnu 'Utsaimin, 17/62, Asy Syamilah]

[Muhammad Abduh Tuasikal]


“And verily, whosoever shows patience and forgives, that would truly be from the things recommended by Allah.” (42:43)

“Show forgiveness, enjoin what is good, and turn away from the foolish (i.e., don’t punish them).” (7:199)

“So overlook (O Muhammad (Sallallahu 'Alaihi wa Sallam)), their faults with gracious forgiveness.” (15:85)

Ibn Mas`ud (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: I can see the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu 'Alaihi wa Sallam) look like one of the Prophets of Allah whose people beat and made him bleed while he was wiping the blood from his face and supplicating: “O Allah, forgive my people because they know not.” [Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

The Messenger of Allah was seated in a gathering with the Sahabah when he looked towards the entrance and said, “A man of Paradise is coming.” At that instance someone who seemed to be very ordinary entered the mosque where they were seated. A Sahabi was curious as to why the Prophet .‘ said this, so he followed the man to his house. This Sahabi told the man that he was a traveler and stayed as a guest. For three days the Sahabi saw nothing unusual, so he finally told the man what the Prophet had said and asked him what was so special. The man thought for a long time and said, “There might be one thing — before going to sleep every night I forgive everyone and sleep with a clean heart.”

-- Action Plan

1. Forgive people who have hurt you. Remember how the Prophet(Sallallahu 'Alaihi wa Sallam) reacted to the people who hurt him . 

2. Forgiving others and asking for forgiveness is letting go of the past grudges and baggage.

3. Forgiving others is about YOU and not the other person. Chances are the person doesn’t even remember the incident and you are still torturing yourself about it.

4. The fastest way to free yourself from an enemy and all associated negativity is to forgive. Untie the bindings and loosen yourself from that person’s ugliness. Your hatred has tied you to the person responsible for your pain. Your forgiveness enables you to start walking away from him or her and the pain. Forgiveness is for you and not the other party. Freeing yourself through forgiveness is like freeing yourself from chains of bondage or from prison.

5. Stop telling the depressing story to yourself in your head. Get out of that vicious cycle. Start focusing on something else. Make dhikr, read quran but just get out of that rut.

NOTE : Always remember when doing a good deed, have the correct intention/niyyah, do it for Allah’s pleasure with sincerity. May all our good deeds be accepted. Insha Allah

[In Sha Allaah Tag ur beloved once ♥ | Share it on ur wall]
Allaah Reward you In Sha Allaah. Work for Allaah, Jazakallah Khairan.


Comparison between Male and Female Brain~


Women - Multiple process
Womens brains designed to concentrate multiple task at a time.
Women can Watch a TV and Talk over phone and cook.

Men - Single Process
Mens brains designed to concentrate only one work at a time. Men can not watch TV and talk over the phone at the same time. they stop the TV while Talking. They can either watch TV or talk over the phone or cook.


Women can easily learn many languages. But can not find solutions to problems. Men can not easily learn languages, they can easily solve problems. That's why in average a 3 years old girl has three times higher vocabulary than a 3 yeard old boy.


Mens brains has a lot of space for handling the analytical process. They can analyze and find the solution for a process and design a map of a building easily. But If a complex map is viewed by women, they can not understand it. Women can not understand the details of a map easily, For them it is just a dump of lines on a paper.


While driving a car, mans analytical spaces are used in his brain. He can drive a car fastly. If he sees an object at long distance, immediately his brain classifies the object (bus or van or car) direction and speed of the object and he drives accordingly. Where woman take a long time to recognize the object direction/ speed. Mans single process mind stops the audio in the car (if any), then concentrates only on driving.


When men lie to women face to face, they get caught easily. Womans super natural brain observes facial expression 70%, body language 20% and words coming from the mouth 10%. Mens brain does not have this. Women easily lie to men face to face.
So guys, do not lie face to face.


If a man have a lot of problems, his brain clearly classifies the problems and puts them in individual rooms in the brain and then finds the solution one by one. You can see many guys looking at the sky for a long time. If a woman has a lot of problems, her brain can not classify the problems. she wants some one to hear that. After telling everything to a person she goes happily to bed. She does not worry about the problems being solved or not.


Men want status, success, solutions, big process, etc... But Women want relationship, friends, family, etc...


If women are unhappy with their relations, they can not concentrate on their work. If men are unhappy with their work, they can not concentrate on the relations.


Women use indirect language in speech. But Men use direct language.


Women talk a lot without thinking. Men act a lot without thinking.


10 Sahabat Nabi

Tahukah anda siapakah yang dijanjikan Allah untuk masuk syurga?
Berikut adalah 10 sahabat nabi yang telah dijajnikan syurga oleh Allah.

1. Abu Bakar As-Siddiq ra.
Beliau adalah khalifah pertama sesudah wafatnya Rasulullah Saw. Selain itu Abu bakar juga merupakan laki-laki pertama yang masuk Islam, pengorbanan dan keberanian beliau tercatat dalam sejarah, bahkan juga didalam Quran sebagaimana berikut :

“Jikalau tidak menolongnya (Muhammad) maka sesungguhnya Allah telah menolongnya (yaitu) ketika orang-orang kafir (musyrikin Mekah) mengeluarkannya (dari Mekah) sedang dia salah seseorang dari dua orang (Rasulullah dan Abu Bakar) ketika keduanya berada dalam gua, diwaktu dia berkata kepada temannya:”Janganlah berduka cita, sesungguhya Allah bersama kita”. Maka Allah menurunkan ketenangan kepada (Muhammad) dan membantunya dengan tentara yang kamu tidak melihatnya, dan Allah menjadikan seruan orang-orang kafir itulah yang rendah. Dan kalimat Allah itulah yang tinggi. Allah Maha Perkasa lagi Maha Bijaksana.” (Surah At-Taubah ayat ke-40)

Abu Bakar Siddiq meninggal dalam umur 63 tahun, daripada beliau diriwayatkan 142 hadits.

2. Umar Bin Al-Khattab ra.
Beliau adalah khalifah kedua sesudah Abu Bakar, dan termasuk salah seorang yang sangat dikasihi oleh Nabi Muhammad Saw semasa hidupnya. Sebelum memeluk Islam, Beliau merupakan musuh yang paling ditakuti oleh kaum Muslimin. Namun semenjak ia bersyahadah dihadapan Rasul (tahun keenam sesudah Muhammad saw diangkat sebagai Nabi Allah), ia menjadi salah satu benteng Islam yang mampu menyurutkan perlawanan kaum Quraish terhadap diri Nabi dan sahabat. Dijaman kekhalifaannya, Islam berkembang seluas-luasnya dari Timur hingga ke Barat, kerajaan Parsi dan Rom Timur dapat ditaklukkannya dalam waktu hanya satu tahun. Beliau meninggal dalam umur 64 tahun karena dibunuh, dikuburkan berdekatan dengan Abu Bakar dan Rasulullah dibekas rumah Aisyah yang sekarang terletak didalam masjid Nabawi di Madinah.

3. Usman Bin Affan ra.
Khalifah ketiga setelah wafatnya Umar, pada pemerintahannyalah seluruh tulisan-tulisan wahyu yang pernah dicatat oleh sahabat semasa Rasul hidup dikumpulkan, kemudian disusun menurut susunan yang telah ditetapkan oleh Rasulullah Saw sehingga menjadi sebuah kitab (suci) sebagaimana yang kita dapati sekarang. Beliau meninggal dalam umur 82 tahun (ada yang meriwayatkan 88 tahun) dan dikuburkan di Baqi’.

4. Ali Bin Abi Talib ra.
Merupakan khalifah keempat, beliau terkenal dengan siasat perang dan ilmu pengetahuan yang tinggi. Selain Umar bin Khatab, Ali bin Abi Thalib juga terkenal keberaniannya didalam peperangan. Beliau sudah mengikuti Rasulullah sejak kecil dan hidup bersama Beliau sampai Rasul diangkat menjadi Nabi hingga wafatnya. Ali Bin Abi Thalib meninggal dalam umur 64 tahun dan dikuburkan di Koufah, Irak sekarang.

5. Thalhah Bin Abdullah ra.
Masuk Islam dengan perantaraan Abu Bakar Siddiq ra, selalu aktif disetiap peperangan selain Perang Badar. Didalam perang Uhud, beliaulah yang mempertahankan Rasulullah Saw sehingga terhindar dari mata pedang musuh, sehingga putus jari-jari beliau. Thalhah Bin Abdullah gugur dalam Perang Jamal dimasa pemerintahan Ali Bin Abi Thalib dalam usia 64 tahun, dan dimakamkan di Basrah.

6. Zubair Bin Awaam
Memeluk Islam juga karena Abu Bakar Siddiq ra, ikut berhijrah sebanyak dua kali ke Habasyah dan mengikuti semua peperangan. Beliau pun gugur dalam perang Jamal dan dikuburkan di Basrah pada umur 64 tahun.

7. Sa’ad bin Abi Waqqas
Mengikuti Islam sejak umur 17 tahun dan mengikuti seluruh peperangan, pernah ditawan musuh lalu ditebus oleh Rasulullah dengan ke-2 ibu bapaknya sendiri sewaktu perang Uhud. Meninggal dalam usia 70 (ada yang meriwayatkan 82 tahun) dan dikuburkan di Baqi’.

8. Sa’id Bin Zaid
Sudah Islam sejak kecilnya, mengikuti semua peperangan kecuali Perang Badar. Beliau bersama Thalhah Bin Abdullah pernah diperintahkan oleh rasul untuk memata-matai gerakan musuh (Quraish). Meninggal dalam usia 70 tahun dikuburkan di Baqi’.

9. Abdurrahman Bin Auf
Memeluk Islam sejak kecilnya melalui Abu Bakar Siddiq dan mengikuti semua peperangan bersama Rasul. Turut berhijrah ke Habasyah sebanyak 2 kali. Meninggal pada umur 72 tahun (ada yang meriwayatkan 75 tahun), dimakamkan di baqi’.

10. Abu Ubaidillah Bin Jarrah
Masuk Islam bersama Usman bin Math’uun, turut berhijrah ke Habasyah pada periode kedua dan mengikuti semua peperangan bersama Rasulullah Saw. Meninggal pada tahun 18 H di urdun (Syam) karena penyakit pes, dan dimakamkan di Urdun yang sampai saat ini masih sering diziarahi oleh kaum Muslimin.
Itulah 10 sahabat baginda yang dijanjikan Allah dengan syurga. Iman dan Amal mereka sangat hebat sehingga mendapat ganjaran yang tinggi daripada Allah sejak mereka hidup lagi. Kita semua pasti mahu ke syurga kerana di sana terdapat infiniti keindahan dan kesenangan. Akhirat itu pasti. Mari tingkatkan amal dan iman untuk menghadapi akhirat.


Secrets of breast feeding

Secrets of breast feeding

Scientific researches still insists on the great importance of breast feeding, let us read…
In a published research in the CNN website, researchers say that breast feeding is not only important to babies but also for mothers and it strengthens the emotional relation between both of them.

"Breast feeding is important for baby's health and limiting that matter for only six months may be the reason behind the death of more than one million babies all over the world", Doctors say.

According to WHO figures less than 40% of babies who are less than six months are fed by their mothers' breast.

Melinda Johnson a Nutrition expert at the University of Arizona says" The nutrition [provided by breast-feeding] is perfect for the growing child ".

she added:" Take, for example, DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), an omega-3 fatty acid, the DHA is critical for brain development and also for nervous system development, as the presence of DHA in breast milk". 

Breast milk also contains the amino acid taurine, considered important for neurological development, said Dr. Ruth Lawrence, who chairs the American Academy of Pediatrics' section on breast-feeding and is a professor of pediatrics and obstetrics-gynecology at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry in New York.

"Newborns and preemies cannot manufacture taurine," Lawrence said, although adults do. "Taurine is one of the amino acids needed for brain growth. The brain will double in size in the first year of life." That makes it critical to have nutrients that help brain growth.

"We in the breast-feeding field have been focusing on brain growth [and its importance] for a number of years," she said. Those who manufacture formula, Lawrence said, focus more on how much weight babies can gain with their product.

Breast milk also has been shown to jump-start a baby's immune system, and researchers think that's due at least in part to a protein found in breast milk. Called soluble CD14, it helps develop beta cells, a type of immune cell that helps produce antibodies, which are needed to protect against illnesses.

Breast milk also contains live and active organisms that can never be duplicated in formula, Johnson said. In one of the newer areas of research, experts have found that breast-fed babies' guts have different bacteria than those of formula-fed babies, and that the breast-fed babies' gut bacteria appears to be healthier, she said.
Other research has found that the intestinal bacteria present early in life play a role in whether a person will suffer from allergies, have an overactive immune system or tend to put on excess weight later in life, Johnson said.
Breast-feeding also has emotional and bonding benefits, according to Lawrence and Johnson, although they say it's harder to explain the "why" and "how" of those.

Though a mother who bottle-feeds also holds her baby, the child has actual physical attachment while breast-feeding. "Certain hormones, feel-good hormones, are released when a woman is breast-feeding," Johnson said, citing oxytocin and prolactin as examples. Also breastfeeding gives babies all needed nutrition elements that saves them from diarrhea and Respiratory Syndrome which are the main reasons behind babies' death.

Here, we have to stop in front of this study and says:
Who did organize these great benefits in milk of the mother, nature or the creator of nature?
The ratios in mother's milk are very accurate, who adjusted these ratios, the baby, the mother or the creator of both of them?
In previous study, scientists proved that the baby must fed by his mother's breast for two years and that is the ideal period, Allah says: (The mothers shall give suck to their children for two whole years, (that is) for those (parents) who desire to complete the term of suckling,)(Sûrat Al-Baqarah-verse233).

Glory to Allah, who told that illiterate man about this scientific fact which proved lately by scientists and educated researchers?


Mengapa Wilayah Homs ?

Tahukah kita kenapa wilayah Homs merupakan di antara wilayah yang teruk dibom dan diserang oleh rejim Basyar khususnya daerah Baba Amr?

Apakah yang menyebabkan kota tersebut teruk diserang dan dibedil?

Dalam sejarah, sebenarnya di kota ini ialah tempat bersemadinya jasad lebih 400 orang sahabat Rasulullah s.a.w. yang telah berjuang membebaskan wilayah-wilayah ini daripada cengkaman Rom atau Parsi termasuklah Sayyidina Khalid al-Walid r.a

Sebelum tercetusnya perang Qadisiyyah pada 636 M, sahabat Nabi s.a.w yang bernama Saad ibn Abi Waqqas telah meminta bantuan tambahan daripada Khalifah Umar al-Khattab r.a bagi tujuan menghadapi peperangan dengan tentera Parsi.

Lalu Saidina Umar telah menyahutnya, tetapi dengan mengirim hanya 2 orang sahaja seraya berkata dalam suratnya kepada Saad "aku kirimkan kamu 2 orang ini yang mana ia sama seperti aku kirimkan 2000 orang tentera, iaitu Tulaihah Bin Khuwailid dan Amar Bin Ma'ad Yakreb.." - riwayat Thabarani

Setelah tercetusnya pertempuran, Amr Bin Maad Yakreb telah memperlihatkan kehebatan yang sangat mengkagumkan kaum muslimin. Beliau telah berjaya memimpin peperangan dengan jayanya dan telah membunuh begitu ramai tentera Parsi yang kemudiannya berakhir dengan kemenangan kaum muslimin.

Beliau telah meninggal dunia di Baba Amr dalam wilayah Homs yang mengambil nama sempena nama beliau. Kuburnya berada di kawasan perkuburan al-Kutaib iaitu suatu kawasan perkuburan kedua terbesar selepas perkuburan al-Baqi' di Madinah.

Di bandar tersebut jugalah telah dimakamkan sekurang-kurangnya 400 jasad sahabat-sahabat Nabi s.a.w yang telah sama-sama berjuang hingga sampai ke wilayah ini demi membawa risalah Islam. Termasuklah sebahagian pejuang-pejuang Qadisiyyah yang telah mengalahkan kerajaan Parsi tahun 636 M tersebut.

Baba Amr- Kota ini sangat dibenci oleh rejim Basyar dan Iran khususnya lantaran tokoh dan pejuang-pejuang dari kalangan sahabat-sahabat Nabi s.a.w yang menyebabkan kekalahan kaum parsi dalam peperangan Qadisiyyah dahulu telah dimakamkan di sini.

Kini ia telah menjadi tempat bagi kaum Parsi/Iran dan sekutu-sekutunya untuk membalas dendam terhadap kekalahan silam mereka suatu ketika dahulu.

Semoga Allah memelihara pejuang-pejuang Syria yang merupakan 'cucu-cicit' Saidina Khalid al-walid yang pasti akan mempertahankan bumi Syam ini sehingga ke titisan darah terakhir mereka.

Rakyat Malaysia Bersama Revolusi Syria

Lesson from an A N T ::.

One morning Ahmed spent an hour watching a tiny ant carry a huge feather cross my back terrace. Several times it was confronted by obstacles in its path and after a momentary pause it would make the necessary detour.

At one point the ant had to negotiate a crack in the concrete about 1 cm wide. After brief contemplation it laid the feather over the crack, walked across it and picked up the feather on the other side then continued on its way.

Indeed Ahmed was fascinated by the ingenuity of this ant, one of Allah’s (SWT) smallest creatures. It served to reinforce the miracle of creation. Here was a minute insect, lacking in size, yet equipped with a brain to reason, explore, discover and overcome. But this ant, like the two-legged co-residents of this planet, also shares human weaknesses.

After some time the ant finally reached its destination – a flower bed at the end of the terrace and a small hole that was the entrance to its underground home. And it was here that the ant finally met its match. How could that large feather possibly fit down small hole?

Of course it couldn’t. So the ant, after all this trouble and exercising great ingenuity, overcoming problems all along the way, just abandoned the feather and went home.

The ant had not thought the problem through before it began its epic journey and in the end the feather was nothing more than a burden.

Isn’t OUR LIFE like that?

We worry about our family, about money or the lack of it; we worry about work, our homes, about all sorts of things. These are all burdens – the things we pick up along life’s path and maneuver them around the obstacles that life will bring, only to find that at the final destination they are useless and we can’t take them along with us …


a martyr for a son

Shreds of black and blue cloth stained in red lay scattered across an olive grove on the outskirts of Gaza City.

The remains of 13-year-old Ma’moun al-Dam’s t-shirt lay hooked into an olive bush and his sandals flung five meters away from where he was killed.

Nobody is talking about what happened at 2.30pm on Wednesday afternoon, and the “Israeli” Defense Forces (IDF), as usual, are not being questioned bout their actions.

Ma’moun was killed by a bomb dropped by the IDF while he was having a picnic with his parents in a garden in the area between Zeitoun and Tal Elhawwa neighbourhoods.

One of Ma’moun’s neighbors- a man in his 20s who didn’t want to be identified- recalled the events, “I heard a scream and came to the olive grove. I could see black smoke. I froze when I arrived- I couldn’t do anything for five minutes. I saw a young mother screaming over her son’s body.”

The hole where the bomb fell was shallow, and Ma’moun was around a meter and a half away when it landed.

His right arm was cooked to a crisp and his body riddled with small holes.

His clothes were burnt and lay in shreds in the bushes, sprawled across the olive grove and into neighboring land.

The force of the bomb sent the nearby metal fence flying two meters.

The metal is riddled with tiny pea-sized holes.

Ma’moun’s neighbors believe that the bomb held metal pellets, which exploded in a cluster, causing his torso to be dotted with waves of small wounds.

Ma’moun’s school tests and notes were scattered around the picnic site, out of reach of the explosion, which melted the olive grove’s plastic fence. The neighbor recalled, “Ma’moun always likes to write, he brings papers with him everywhere."

The olive grove has barely been touched in 24 hours. The family’s picnic lies untouched on a plastic table. Next to the dried pickles are a mattress and cushion- both now stained in blood as Ma’moun’s mother moved her son into the shade, laying him in front of his father, who is blind and was injured in the head during the attack. Shrapnel hangs in the bushes and Ma’moun’s phone split into three pieces, intertwined in the brambles.

The neighbor explained that Ma’moun’s mother “put his body down in front of her husband and said to her husband, who cannot see, “Say mashallah; you have a martyr for a son."

Ma’moun’s death is one of 16 since escalations began on Monday.

The 13-year-old’s death has gone largely unreported and the IDF have made no official statement on his death, except by responding to tweets asking for an explanation with a deflection.

May Allah Bless His Soul…



Mesej Al-Qaradhawi kepada Dr. bouti : Anda tidak patut bersama golongan zalim.

Kempen kepada seluruh manusia agar mendokong perjuangan rakyat Syria.

Dr. Al-Qaradhawi mengutuk kekejaman regim Syria serta menyeru para ilmuan Syria agar menghentikan sikap berdiam diri serta menyatakan bantahan dan memberikan sokongan kepada rakyat Syria. Beliau turut mengkhususkan pesanan berikut kepada Syaikh Dr. Said Ramadhan Al-Buti.

Ketika menyampaikan khutbah Jumaat di Masjid Umar bin Al-Khattab, beliau turut menyelar kezaliman rejim Syria dan menyifatkan mereka bukan lagi manusia. Mereka tidak punya perasaan, mata dan telinga, malah mereka lebih sesat dan hina dari binatang ternak. Semoga Allah menghancurkan mereka!

Ketua Persatuan Ulama Sedunia itu mengingatkan, jika mereka tidak segera bertaubat dan kembali ke pangkal jalan, pasti Allah akan mengambil ‘tindakan’ tegas dan dahsyat kepada mereka dan Allah akan menurukan kutukan ke atas mereka.

Al-Qaradhawi juga turut menyeru ulama Syria dengan katanya :

“Saya katakan kepada seluruh ulama Syria. Sampai bila kamu terus berdiam diri? Kalian mesti bersuara dan menyatakan kebenaran. Kalian mesti bersama-sama rakyat Syria!”

“Kamu tidak boleh terus begitu wahai Syaikh Buti! Haram ke atas kamu terus memberi sokongan kepada rejim zalim, menentang rakyat dan membela kebatilan. Seorang ulama tidak sepatutnya bersekongkol dengan kebatilan.”

Beliau menambah lagi, “Suatu hari nanti lembaran sejarah akan membuktikan bahawa di Syria pernah mengalami kezaliman dan musibah yang besar. Ia adalah musibah yang dibenci oleh insan dan Tuhan. Suatu hari nanti semua orang akan tahu. Justeru, saya memohon agar Allah melindungi para ulama dari tergolongan dalam golongan yang mendokong kezaliman.”

Al-Qaradhawi turut memberikan kata-kata semangat kepada rakyat Syria :

“Saya menyeru kepada rakyat Syria agar sentiasa memberi sokongan kepada para pejuang pembebasan Syria serta bersama-sama dengan golongan yang ‘merdeka’. Saya juga menyeru kepada tentera yang masih bersama-sama rejim agar tinggalkanlah tentera kerajaan dan sertailah tentera pembebasan Syria. Jika tidak, Allah akan menurunkan laknat dan azab ke atas kalian!”

Beliau juga melahirkan rasa optimis bahawa kemenangan rakyat Syria semakin hampir. Justeru, beliau turut mengajak seluruh bangsa Arab, umat Islam, pihak-pihak di university, bangsa-bangsa bersatu dan para organisasi Islam agar memberikan sokongan dan dokongan kepada rakyat Syria yang dibunuh setiap hari. Beliau menyatakan bahawa kita semua mesti memperbanyak doa dan mengadu kepada Allah agar pihak yang zalim dan kejam segera dihapuskan!


من خطبة الجمعة الاخير للدكتور يوسف القرضاوي:

ندد القرضاوي بوحشية النظام الغاشم في سوريا، ونادي علماء سوريا جميعا بالكف عن الصمت وقول الحق والوقوف بجانب الشعب، وخص بالذكر الشيخ رمضان البوطي.
وفي خطبة الجمعة من مسجد عمر بن الخطاب بالدوحة ندد بالممارسات الوحشية للنظام الغاشم في سوريا، وقال إنهم ليسوا بشرا.. لهم قلوب لا يفقهون بها، ولهم أعين لا يبصرون بها، ولهم آذان لا يسمعون بها، أولئك كالأنعام بل هم أضل. قاتلهم الله.
وحذر رئيس الاتحاد العالمي لعلماء المسلمين، هؤلاء "إذا لم تتوبوا إلى الله، وترجعوا إلى الله بأسرع ما يمكن، فإن الله سيأخذكم أخذا أليما شديدا .. ستنزل بكم نقمة الله".
وتوجه بالنداء إلى علماء سوريا "أنادي علماء سوريا جميعا: كفى ما مضى من السكوت والصمت. إلى متى تصمتون؟! لابد أن تتكلموا، لابد أن تقولوا الحق، لابد أن تقفوا مع الشعب. حرام عليكم. حرام عليك يا شيخ بوطي. يا بوطي حرام عليك أن تؤيد هذا الظالم، وأن تقف ضد الشعب، وأن تدافع عن الباطل، لا يجوز لعالم أن يدافع عن الباطل، ولن يدافع عنه إلا بباطل".
وأضاف "سيظهر التاريخ حين تنكشف الأوراق أن هناك مظالم شديدة، وجوائح يكرهها الناس، ويكرهها الله، ويكرهها الحق، ستظهر هذه للملأ. أعيذ العلماء أن يكونوا من أنصار الظلمة".
كما توجه بالنداء إلى الشعب وإلى جنود النظام"أنادي الشعب السوري جميعا أن يقفوا مع الرجال الأبطال، مع الجيش السوري الحر، مع الأحرار في سوريا. وأنادي أبناء الجيش أن ينفصلوا عن هذا الجيش، وأن ينضموا إلى الجيش الحر؛ حتى لا تصيبهم لعنه الله".
وعبر الشيخ القرضاوي عن اعتقاده بأن "يوم سوريا قد قرب"، ودعا العرب في كل مكان، وأبناء الإسلام، والجامعة العربية، والأمم المتحدة، والتعاون الإسلامي، وكل أحرار العالم، أن يقفوا لمساندة الشعب السوري المظلوم الذي يقتل كل يوم. "لابد أن ندعو ونستغيث برحمة الله، ضد هؤلاء الظلمة".


Sumber : Syria Care: Pertubuhan Penyayang Islam Membantu Syria

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