TOP 11 EXCUSES of Muslim Women who don't wear Islamic Hijaab!

-Excuse Number 1: I'm not yet convinced (of the necessity) of hijaab...

What do we call a person who says they believe in and are content with the correctness of Islam but who nonetheless does not do what ALLAH TALA or His Messenger have ordered? Certainly they can in no way be described as those whom ALLAH TALA speaks of in this aayah: The only saying of the faithful believers when they are called to ALLAH TALA and His Messenger to judge between them is that they say 'we hear and obey' and such are the successful. [Soorah An-Noor 24:51]

If this sister is convinced of Islam, how then can she not be convinced of its orders...?

-Excuse Number 2: I am convinced of Islamic dress but my mother prevents me from wearing it and if I disobey her I will go to the Fire...

The one who has answered this excuse is the most noble of ALLAH TALA`s creation, the Messenger of ALLAH TALA (sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam) in concise and comprehensive words of wisdom: There is no obedience to the created in the disobedience of ALLAH TALA. [Ahmed]

How can you obey your mother and disobey ALLAH TALA Who created you and your mother...?

-Excuse Number 3: My position does not allow me to substitute my dress for Islamic dress...

My dear sister if you are really truthful in your intention and correctly determined you will find a thousand hands of good assisting you and ALLAH TALA will make the matter easy for you! Honor and position is something determined by ALLAH TALA ta'aala and it is not due to embellishment of clothing and show of colors and keeping up with the trendsetters...

Do things in the way of seeking ALLAH TALA`s pleasure and entering His Jannah and give less value to the high priced and costly objects and wealth of this world...

-Excuse Number 4: It is so very hot in my country and I can't stand it. How could I take it if I wore the hijaab...?

ALLAH TALA gives an example by saying: Say: The Fire of Hell is more intense in heat if they only understand. [Soorah At-Taubah 9:81] How can you compare the heat of your land to the heat of the Hellfire...?

The Jannah is surrounded by hardships and toil, while Hellfire is surrounded by temptations, lusts and desires...

-Excuse Number 5: I'm afraid that if I wear the hijaab I will put it off at another time because I have seen so many others do so...!

If everyone was to apply your logic then they would have left the Deen in its entirety! They would have left off salaat because some would be afraid of leaving it later. They would have left fasting in Ramadhan because so many are afraid of not doing it later? Etc. Haven't you seen how Shaitaan has trapped you in his snare again and blocked you from guidance...?

If you hold tight to the causes of guidance and taste the sweetness of faith you will not neglect the orders of ALLAH TALA after having held to them...

-Excuse Number 6: If I wear the hijaab then nobody will marry me, so I'm going to leave it off until then...

Any husband, who desires that you be uncovered and adorned in public in defiance of and in disobedience to ALLAH TALA, is not a worthy husband in the first place. If you were to say that ' being made-up and uncovered is a means to reach a pure end, namely marriage', a pure goal or end is not attained through impure and corrupt means in Islam...

There is no blessing in a marriage established upon sinfulness and corruption...

-Excuse Number 7: I don't wear hijaab based on what ALLAH TALA says: And proclaim the grace of your Rabb [Soorah Ad-Dhuhaa 93:11] How can I cover what ALLAH TALA has blessed me with of silky soft hair and captivating beauty...?

With this statement my sister you have now made a shari'ah (law) for yourself of what ALLAH TALA has strictly forbidden, namely beautification (at-tabarruj) and uncovering (as-sufoor), and the reason:

Your lack of wanting to adhere to the order. The greatest blessing or favor that ALLAH TALA has bestowed upon us is that of Eemaan (faith) and hidaayah (guidance) and among them is the Islamic hijaab...

Is there a greater blessing and favor upon the woman than guidance and hijaab...?

-Excuse Number 8: I know that hijaab is obligatory (waajib), but I will wear it when ALLAH TALA guides me to do so...

Has this sister of ours seriously endeavored to seek true guidance and exerted the proper means to get it such as: Supplicating Allah sincerely as He stated: Guide us to the Straight Path. [Soorah Al-Faatihah 1:6]; Keeping company with the righteous good sisters - for they are among the best to assist her to guidance and to continue to point her to it until ALLAH TALA guides her and increases her guidance and inspires her to further guidance and taqwaa...

If this sister were really serious about seeking guidance she would have exerted herself by the proper means to get it. Do not forget that ALLAH TALA truly knows what your intentions are! So don't think you are fooling any body...

-Excuse Number 9: It's not time for that yet. I'm still too young for wearing hijaab. I'll do it when I get older and after I make Hajj...!

Death my sister doesn't discriminate between the young or the old and it may come while you are in this state of great sinfulness disobedience, fighting against the Lord of Honor with your uncovering and shameless adornment.My sister wear the hijaab in your young age in opposition to the sinful deed because ALLAH TALA is intense in punishment and will ask you on the Day of Resurrection about your youth and every moment of your life...

Stop presuming some future expectation in your life will indeed occur!! How can you guarantee your own life until tomorrow...?

-Excuse Number 10: I'm afraid that if I wear Islamic clothing that I'll be labeled as belonging to some group or another and I hate partisanship...

The first party is the party of ALLAH TALA (hizbullah) that He gives victory to because of their obedience to His commands and staying away from what He has forbidden. The second party is the party of the accursed Shaitaan (hizbush-Shaitaan), which disobeys the Most Merciful and increase corruption in the earth.Don't you see how you are running from ALLAH TALA and to the Shaitaan, trading filth for good...?

Hold tight to the legislation of ALLAH TALA by your molars and follow the example of the striving and knowledgeable Mothers of the Believers and the female companions (radiallahu 'anhum ajma'een)...

-Excuse Number 11: Islam is in the heart, I don't need to "show off" that I am a Muslim, it is a personal relationship between ALLAH TALA and me...

Faith without doing good deeds is as insufficient as doing good deeds without faith. I can use the same argument and say "Well I don't have to pray or fast, I love ALLAH TALA in my heart". The hijab is as obligatory as Salah and fasting on the Muslimah. ALLAH TALA (swt) always commands to do combine faith and actions...

Get on the train of repentance my sisters, before it passes by your station. Deeply consider my sisters, what is happening today before tomorrow comes. Think about it, my sisters - Now, before it is too late...!

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